Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Eric!

Eric turned 24 on September 28th! His birthday was more like a birthweekend, because we celebrated his birthday starting Saturday...and ending on Monday. We started out by coming home to Las Vegas where we spent some time with both of our families. We went out to dinner Saturday night with Eric's family to a restaurant called "Del Frescos." It is one of our favorite restaurants, so it was quite a treat! Eric's actual birthday was then on Sunday, but we spent most of that day driving home to Provo. Then on Monday, we went over to our friend's house, Brandon and Kelsey, where we celebrated with them and our other friends, Riley and Jessica. We had an amazing barbeque and cake to follow! It was a lot of fun to party all weekend and celebrate Eric's big 24th birthday.


Anonymous said...

Whitney! Hey it's Nicole, just wanted to say HI! Your little boy is adorable!!!

Brock Cardon said...

of course we remember you!! wow your family is so cute and i cant wait to have my baby too... your little boy is adorable and you look great! where are you all living? we are still in Provo and will be for the rest of our lives... well sometimes it feels like it! well have a wonderful day!