Friday, October 17, 2008

First Steps...on Video!

This is the first video of Connor walking. Since his first steps on Sunday, he has been getting better and better each day. He is getting a lot more confidence and taking more chances with his walking. It is so cute and so much fun to watch him get better each day. He thinks walking is so fun and loves it when we clap and praise him for doing so well. Enjoy!


Kinzie Sue said...

Isn't it exciting when they start walking!? Get ready he'll be running around before you know it :) BTW Conner is such a cutie!!

california smiths said...

So fun! I love when they first start, the just look so stink' cute! Yay for mobile children!

DaneandLiz said...

Hey! I am so happy that you found my blog! Yours is so cute it is fun to see how you are doing! I will add you to my friends so I can get updates, hope you don't mind!

Allison said...

He's getting so big!! I'm so proud of him :) That pic at the top of your blog is really cute!