This weekend was quite an adventure for us. First, Connor and I made cookies to take with us to Brian Head. Connor was happy to help Mom stir the cookie batter, and then eat it! We then got to Brian Head where it was freezing cold and very windy. We met Eric's parents and our good friends Brandon and Kelsey at the cabin. We were able to watch Conference on Saturday, but on Sunday the power was out all day. We took lots of rhino rides and bundled up to keep warm. Sunday afternoon Eric's parents were getting ready to leave when we heard a huge crash. It was a very windy day and there were a lot of trees falling all around the cabin. Come to find out that the huge crash was actually a tree that had fallen on top of Eric's truck. Just a few moments before the crash, everyone had been outside around the truck, but the cold winds drew us back into the house. Thank goodness no one was hurt! It was sad to see our truck get totaled by the tree, but we were so happy no one was injured. What a weekend!